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Bylaw Change Proposal June 2024

Thank you for your interest in our recent process to amend the Blyaws of our Club. Voting is now over and the results will be published shortly.  Please check back the week of July 1st for further updates.


The GC Pickleball Club recently sent Members a detailed email outlining a number of changes to our current Bylaws. The proposed additions and/or changes to specific Sections, further defined the Executive Board, Committee and Members’ roles, duties and responsibilities, and cleaned up definitions and language. Members had 7 days to review the Changes document and were able to provide feedback during this period. (Both documents can be found at the bottom of this page.)


Following the review period of the proposed By-law changes by the Membership, the Executive Board and By-laws Committee recommend approval of the proposed By-law changes with one change.  We have agreed to remove “and their registered guests” from Article 1, Section 5, as only GCRV residents who are GCPC Members can participate in Club organized events.


That time has now passed and Members will be advised of the results in a few days.

Supporting Documents

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