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Hi high intermediates

AFTER this Sunday’s Intermediate/advanced round robin (Dec. 15) the Sunday round robin will be HIGH INTERMEDIATE only. Also, we have added a High Intermediate round robin on Thursday.

Intermediate round robin remains Monday & Friday.

You can only play at one level.

We are defining Intermediate as 3.25-3.50, High Intermediate as 3.5-3.75 and , for your information, Advanced as 3.75 and above.

There is a self evaluation guide on the website that is in the process of being updated with the addition of a high intermediate level. Look at that to determine where you think you fit.

For the present time, you determine whether to sign up as an Intermediate or High Intermediate. You are free to move back & forth from week to week as you find what level you are most comfortable being in. But each week you can only sign up at one level.

There will be more information about how to play round robins coming out later in the week and the website will be updated as quickly as we can.

Be patient. We are trying to give as many people as we can an opportunity to play competitive round robins at their level. If you have questions, please ask your round robin coordinator or a board member.

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