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Message from Joe

If the saying is true that you can measure your wealth by the number of your friends, my lovely bride Jan & I may be the wealthiest people on earth. We have been so blessed with kindness, generosity and love. Thank you all for all of your sincere reach-outs and well-wishes, help packing the house, rides to and fro and good laughs, and much more.

All such actions have enabled us immeasurably to return home safely and with an unexpected urgency to undergo emergency neurosurgery and within weeks will soon launch my summer’s long oncology treatments. 

But definitely we will be back next season with pb paddles in hand expecting to play often with all of our beautiful and loving great friends in GCRV. Until then, please be safe, respect and love one another and keep smiling. Pickleball is the best medicine there is. Ok, yes, bicycling riding is tops on my list as well. Ride long, ride strong.

Love to all! You are the Best!

Joe Carter

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